Good morning. A few days ago, I was reading Proverbs 31:10, and this is the passage about the valiant woman; we’ve all heard that passage before. But one of the commentaries from the Haydock commentary talked about how this is really speaking to all of us and our duties and life.
Cato said that the master is “first to rise and last to go to bed”. And I got to thinking about the extreme vigilance of those of us who have responsibilities for others, our need to be intentional about their lives just like we are about our own, whether it’s a spouse, children, employees, or even just colleagues and friends.
Those of us that have responsibilities- are we thinking about those who are in our care on a daily basis? Are we seeking out what their needs are, what their wants are, their hopes and fears? Are we trying to understand them? Are we planning for their greatest good to support them in the way that we are obliged to? Do we care for them and act in support of them the way our Lord would if He were here?
If you’re anything like me, you’re not doing a very good job at these things. But at least thinking about them a little bit more, starting to put into practice some things that would help us to get to that place- to that intentionality, that vigilance that’s necessary in our lives- that’s something I’m going to work on.