
Precision In Our Spiritual Life


Good morning, gentlemen. In my insight video for this week, I want to share with you the takeaway from this morning’s meeting that I had with the guys in the Padre Pio group. The degree to which we are specific about, obsessive about, particular about our goals and our processes and our achievements as it regards our spiritual life is probably proportionate to the odds that we have of reaching heaven.

When we track these things every day, when we’re following just how well we’re doing (or how not well we’re doing), it’s a little bit like the way we track things in sports. If you’re learning to play a sport, there’s a very particular way to play every position, a right way and a wrong way, and you practice it over and over again.If you practice poorly, you’re going to play poor and poorly, and if you practice well, you’ll play well. 

We take the same kind of precision and obsessiveness if we’re cooking, right? You don’t want to put any more hot pepper or salt or any other ingredient in that dish than really needs to be there, or else it’s just not going to come out right. Of course, we do the same thing, those of us that are in business. We have metrics and all the rest of it that we follow very specifically.

If we take the same kind of approach to our spiritual life, our odds of making it to heaven and our chances of having a lasting peace here on earth go up dramatically. And if you’re anything like me, Christopher can be kind of annoying with all of his requirements- and sometimes demands- that you do it, you fill in the blanks, you record it, you’re precise, you’re meaningful about all of your feedback. The truth is, of course, that he’s really doing us an act of charity by helping us to elevate our sights, perfect our intention, and take that next step in our spiritual life. 

I hope this moment has been valuable to you, and I look forward to seeing your insight videos.


The Soil of My Soul


Good morning gentlemen. So, my insight video for this week is talking about what we really mean when we are rating our activities. What really is a ‘3’ when we’re evaluating our efforts towards something? And one of the things that we talked about on our call today was that my ‘3’ is not someone else’s ‘3’.

So, when I look at the lives of the saints and I see them bilocating or levitating, well, that that’s probably not where I am in my spiritual life. So, I need to make an honest, humble evaluation of where I am.

What does the soil of my soul look like? If my soul is the soil in which God the Sower is going to work, what does that soil look like? A gardener is focused on aerating his soil and fertilizing it and making sure it’s the best possible quality and that it’s fresh and that it’s ready for that seed to do what it’s supposed to do. 

So, what is the condition of my soul, the soil? What have I done to it that might make it uninhabitable for the seed? What have I done to it that would make it not be as productive and as fertile as it should be? So, evaluating the ‘3’ of any given activity- have I really done my very best? Am I pursuing that kind of accountability and measurability with the same zeal that I would in business, where many of us are accustomed to measuring? We have metrics, we have goals, and we’re very precise with those things.

So, how am I really doing there? And what score really is appropriate for my activities and where I really am? Taking that same kind of approach to my spiritual life that I might to my health or my business. That’s my reflection for today, and I hope that it was helpful for you.


Beyond Good and Evil in the Spiritual Life




Hi gentlemen, Jeff here, and posting my first video in the group. I’ve been lurking for a long time, but thanks to Christopher’s motivation and a little gentle peer pressure, I’m finally joining you all with these videos. 

And on last week’s call, I heard something rather profound. Christopher was talking about doing the examinations and he said something I had not heard quite put that way before. In particular, what he said was that this particular examen we were looking at ourselves, and our day, our conduct in light of “What would Jesus do?”

And of course this is kind of simple cliche we’ve all heard used many times, but what it really made me think about was not just what would Jesus do from the standpoint of obvious good versus evil- we all kind of know, hopefully, how to choose right from wrong- but also in our lives we’re really aiming for something better.

And what our Lord did every moment of every day was perfection. He perfected the law and He perfected human conduct. And that’s what we’re called to do as well; not just to avoid the obvious evils, but also to always choose the higher good. And we make it to a point in our lives where Satan is no longer tempting us to choose something that’s overtly evil. It may be good enough for him that he simply tempts us to choose a lesser good than what God is calling us to.

And according to our state and life, that might be very difficult to discern, right? Do I spend extra time at my job working hard to get the approval of a superior or a client to make them happy, to make more money, maybe advance the company? Or is the higher good to leave the office on time, instead of staying late, so that I can go pray or exercise or spend time with my family- whatever the case may be?

So, choosing the higher good- “What would Jesus do?” That’s kind of my takeaway. Thanks for watching!