
Emphasize What Is Truly Important

We prioritize, track and measure the things that are important to us.


Good morning gentlemen. Great insight today from our call: Christopher shared with this the notion that things become important when we emphasize them.

So, there are a lot of important things that can fall by the wayside, fall through the cracks if we’re not emphasizing them. So they may, in reality, be important, but they’re not important to us; we’re not doing the actions that would correspond with their importance.

It’s a simple but profound concept. And so in this time of crisis and worry and panic, do that examination- not just of our conscience, but our strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities in our lives, the threats- to determine what’s important today not yesterday; what’s important today, what we need to do and emphasize that thing today. Don’t worry about tomorrow because it’ll take care of itself, but emphasizing, in today, what’s important, will make that important in our lives and those of the people that are around us. 

Thanks for taking the time to listen, and thank you Christopher, as always, for your guidance.

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