
Stewards of God’s Time


Hey gentlemen- great insight from today’s call. Christopher shared with us the very sad story about a man who was fired from his job for using his employer’s time to look for another job; he was sending out resumes and so forth. So the man was fired. And the idea here for a reflection is really that time belongs to God. Our very lives belong to Him. They don’t really belong to us.

So, if we think about this poor man who’s sitting in his home, fired for using his employer’s time to actually look for another job- how are we using our time? Would God fire us for the way in which we use His time?

And I’m afraid that for many of us, certainly for myself, the answer is “Yes”. God probably would not be happy with the way we’ve used the time in our lives so far. So, I’m going to ask myself every day going forward: “Have I used my time- God’s time- in a way that brings honor and glory to Him and serves His mission?”

It’s a very high calling. It’s going to be a big challenge for many of us.

I hope that you find this as edifying as I have.


Emphasize What Is Truly Important


Good morning gentlemen. Great insight today from our call: Christopher shared with this the notion that things become important when we emphasize them.

So, there are a lot of important things that can fall by the wayside, fall through the cracks if we’re not emphasizing them. So they may, in reality, be important, but they’re not important to us; we’re not doing the actions that would correspond with their importance.

It’s a simple but profound concept. And so in this time of crisis and worry and panic, do that examination- not just of our conscience, but our strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities in our lives, the threats- to determine what’s important today not yesterday; what’s important today, what we need to do and emphasize that thing today. Don’t worry about tomorrow because it’ll take care of itself, but emphasizing, in today, what’s important, will make that important in our lives and those of the people that are around us. 

Thanks for taking the time to listen, and thank you Christopher, as always, for your guidance.




This is Jeff with my insight video for this week.  I was thinking on our last phone call about accountability, and Christopher’s done a great job for us with establishing all of these norms of accountability and holding us to them.

And I realized on the call, while listening, that I have no problem getting up at this ridiculous hour in the morning to join the group of guys that Christopher has assembled; I set my timer, I’ve got a back-up alarm, it’s several hours early for me, and yet I’m there, right? 

And I think the reason that I’m there and the reason I don’t always get up at the same ridiculous early hour for my own prayers is that I’m worried that Christopher’s going to be on the call with all the guys, and he’s going to pick up the phone and call me and say, “Jeff, where are you? Are you going to join us?” And maybe it’s out of pride or something else, but I don’t want that to happen. 

And it occurred to me that in this respect, I actually fear Christopher more than I do God, and that’s because my judgment from God is delayed. I don’t have to face that judgment, right? But we’re all going to, one day, face that final judgment, and everybody’s going to know everything and see us.

And so I resolved myself to realize that I’m the one that benefits here. God doesn’t benefit from my early morning prayers- I benefit. And by making present a little bit more that eventual reality, the one we all believe in, I’m actually serving myself, even while I serve God better. So, I hope this has been valuable to you, and I look forward to seeing you next time.