Good morning gentlemen. So, my insight video for this week is talking about what we really mean when we are rating our activities. What really is a ‘3’ when we’re evaluating our efforts towards something? And one of the things that we talked about on our call today was that my ‘3’ is not someone else’s ‘3’.
So, when I look at the lives of the saints and I see them bilocating or levitating, well, that that’s probably not where I am in my spiritual life. So, I need to make an honest, humble evaluation of where I am.
What does the soil of my soul look like? If my soul is the soil in which God the Sower is going to work, what does that soil look like? A gardener is focused on aerating his soil and fertilizing it and making sure it’s the best possible quality and that it’s fresh and that it’s ready for that seed to do what it’s supposed to do.
So, what is the condition of my soul, the soil? What have I done to it that might make it uninhabitable for the seed? What have I done to it that would make it not be as productive and as fertile as it should be? So, evaluating the ‘3’ of any given activity- have I really done my very best? Am I pursuing that kind of accountability and measurability with the same zeal that I would in business, where many of us are accustomed to measuring? We have metrics, we have goals, and we’re very precise with those things.
So, how am I really doing there? And what score really is appropriate for my activities and where I really am? Taking that same kind of approach to my spiritual life that I might to my health or my business. That’s my reflection for today, and I hope that it was helpful for you.